Cooking classes for your maid in Hong Kong

香港地, 好多外籍家庭都要求姐姐(家傭) 識得煮番幾味家鄉菜, 西餐料理中以意大利及法國菜為主,  有D 一到周末或節日就搵成班friend 黎 gathering party. 新東方烹飪廚藝提供既西餐烹飪課程以中/英語教導, 正正適合佢地需要 !  另外仲有蛋糕課程甜品課程添 !

唔講你唔知, 其實市場上既外僱/僱傭中心 亦都為左增值, 會先安排姐姐到烹飪中心團體培訓學習西餐烹飪, 以滿足客戶需要 !

Cooking classes for your maid in Hong Kong
At HKNOC , We take the stress out of teaching your helper how to cook your favorite food.
You can register your helper or get more information by visiting HKNOC website.
You can book all these cooking classes for your helpers according to your cuisine preferences to make your helpers professional home cooks. We also recommend to cook a few times with her in order to teach her your cooking skills.


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